Horizon Nua news, articles and case studies
RT @NbePlatform: Are you interested in #investing in nature-based solutions, and want to know more about measuring the return on you… https://t.co/CWKxdLQDpS
Great memories! We loved to discuss with the cities how they can support #naturebasedenterprises in creating more g… https://t.co/AVt5GRXAEk
Invest4Nature is an EU-funded Research & Innovation project that contributes to the creation of a market for nature… https://t.co/9CxTKnRVU4
RT @NbePlatform: The webinar recordings from Nature Futures 2023 are now available on the platform for anybody that missed the event… https://t.co/vg6mWlhSAQ
🚨 Happening today #NatureFutures23! Hear from 10 industry leaders about emerging trends, opportunities and challe… https://t.co/Ro7yuSmcQt
RT @NbePlatform: What do satellite data & machine learning have to do with woodland recovery & #naturebasedsolutions? What are the… https://t.co/nhAHEsrNV6
We'll be watching this with interest. £2 billion private finance pilot potential ‘vital step in restoring Scotland’… https://t.co/Npz5XByfFh
RT @NbePlatform: Putting farmers back at the centre of our agricultural system & the role of #naturefinance in Ecosystem Restoration… https://t.co/GzISVNcUQz
RT @UELSRI: Final places on our ARENA business support project. Are you part of a London-based SME involved in… https://t.co/AKmLr3udr6
RT @ConnectingNBS: Great to see one of our spinout enterprises expanding! This is a fantastic opportunity to work with the #team and o… https://t.co/NGPhLVDDRl

Why do we need a Nature Positive Economy?
Our current economic system based on infinite growth is destroying and degrading natural ecosystems which are the basis for our societies and economies. Natural ecosystems provide us with resources such as food, clean air, water, and regulate the climate. This degradation of ecosystems affects society and human health and wellbeing.