Horizon Nua news, articles and case studies
RT @NbePlatform: Are you interested in #investing in nature-based solutions, and want to know more about measuring the return on you… https://t.co/CWKxdLQDpS
Great memories! We loved to discuss with the cities how they can support #naturebasedenterprises in creating more g… https://t.co/AVt5GRXAEk
Invest4Nature is an EU-funded Research & Innovation project that contributes to the creation of a market for nature… https://t.co/9CxTKnRVU4
RT @NbePlatform: The webinar recordings from Nature Futures 2023 are now available on the platform for anybody that missed the event… https://t.co/vg6mWlhSAQ
🚨 Happening today #NatureFutures23! Hear from 10 industry leaders about emerging trends, opportunities and challe… https://t.co/Ro7yuSmcQt
RT @NbePlatform: What do satellite data & machine learning have to do with woodland recovery & #naturebasedsolutions? What are the… https://t.co/nhAHEsrNV6
We'll be watching this with interest. £2 billion private finance pilot potential ‘vital step in restoring Scotland’… https://t.co/Npz5XByfFh
RT @NbePlatform: Putting farmers back at the centre of our agricultural system & the role of #naturefinance in Ecosystem Restoration… https://t.co/GzISVNcUQz
RT @UELSRI: Final places on our ARENA business support project. Are you part of a London-based SME involved in… https://t.co/AKmLr3udr6
RT @ConnectingNBS: Great to see one of our spinout enterprises expanding! This is a fantastic opportunity to work with the #team and o… https://t.co/NGPhLVDDRl

Supporting Project Innovations - from concept to sustainability
One of the key challenges for organisations involved in any research and innovation actions at a European level is the exploitation and sustainability of project and process innovations that emerge over the lifetime of the funded action. Having invested millions into projects it is natural that the European Commission (or any other project funder) wants to see concrete plans and the introduction of support for any new innovations that emerge from the project.

Innovation in Financing of Nature-based Solutions
The reality is that too often the focus is on financing the capital investment costs of nature-based solutions with not enough consideration going into planning long-term sustainable business models to secure a return on investment. Horizon Nua’s founder Siobhan, as part of her research work with Trinity College Dublin in the Connecting Nature project, has customised the well-known business model canvas tool specifically to help plan the business models for nature-based solutions.

Connecting Nature Enterprise Summit
Each of the 3 summits was individually themed to align with key strengths of the host city: the Innovations at the Glasgow Summit, the related opportunities for Enterprise at the Poznan Summit and finally capturing Impact at multiple levels for citizens, cities and the wider community at Genk.