Horizon Nua news, articles and case studies
RT @NbePlatform: Are you interested in #investing in nature-based solutions, and want to know more about measuring the return on you… https://t.co/CWKxdLQDpS
Great memories! We loved to discuss with the cities how they can support #naturebasedenterprises in creating more g… https://t.co/AVt5GRXAEk
Invest4Nature is an EU-funded Research & Innovation project that contributes to the creation of a market for nature… https://t.co/9CxTKnRVU4
RT @NbePlatform: The webinar recordings from Nature Futures 2023 are now available on the platform for anybody that missed the event… https://t.co/vg6mWlhSAQ
🚨 Happening today #NatureFutures23! Hear from 10 industry leaders about emerging trends, opportunities and challe… https://t.co/Ro7yuSmcQt
RT @NbePlatform: What do satellite data & machine learning have to do with woodland recovery & #naturebasedsolutions? What are the… https://t.co/nhAHEsrNV6
We'll be watching this with interest. £2 billion private finance pilot potential ‘vital step in restoring Scotland’… https://t.co/Npz5XByfFh
RT @NbePlatform: Putting farmers back at the centre of our agricultural system & the role of #naturefinance in Ecosystem Restoration… https://t.co/GzISVNcUQz
RT @UELSRI: Final places on our ARENA business support project. Are you part of a London-based SME involved in… https://t.co/AKmLr3udr6
RT @ConnectingNBS: Great to see one of our spinout enterprises expanding! This is a fantastic opportunity to work with the #team and o… https://t.co/NGPhLVDDRl

Green4C Summer School
With a wide and varied mix of entrepreneurial ideas, Isobel guided the 20+ participants through an interactive brainstorming, idea generating day where each entrepreneur created a framework and was armed with the required tools to develop their individual business plan.